Adding Osmosis to walletOS

Adding Osmosis to walletOS

We’re excited to announce that we’ve successfully completed our Osmosis Grant and added Osmosis support to our flagship product, walletOS.


  • walletOS is a system for automating workflows, building transactions, and deploying wallets for any blockchain.
  • We received a grant from Osmosis earlier in the year to add support for Osmosis into walletOS to help grow institutional adoption of the network

With walletOS, you can now do the following on Osmosis:

  • Generate single-signature and multi-signature address
  • Build send, staking/delegation, and governance transactions
  • Access Osmosis chain data

About Pine Street Labs

Pine Street Labs is an enterprise software company building products to help businesses use blockchains. We handle the technical complexity of using different blockchains so you can focus on your business.

The Current State of Osmosis and Custody

Osmosis is not widely supported by custodians and we believe that institutional adoption is important for the growth of the network. Without institutional support, investors and large users lack the tools they need to use the protocol.

Wallet integrations are difficult because custodial businesses and wallets must build internal tooling that is necessary for transaction orchestration and wallet workflows. This is expensive, time consuming, and redundant across providers.

walletOS and Osmosis

Users of walletOS can now easily use the Osmosis blockchain by making requests to a single API. Currently, walletOS provides users with the ability to perform the following on the Osmosis network:

  • Generate addresses
  • Validate addresses
  • Retrieve balances
  • Access data associated with accounts
  • Retrieve block data
  • Retrieve data on governance proposals
  • Construct, sign, and broadcast send, staking/delegation, and governance transactions

Any business looking to support Osmosis can now do so without spending considerable amounts of time and money to build this tooling in-house.

Who is walletOS for and how do I get access?

We built walletOS with institutional users in mind, such as custodians, exchanges, wallet teams, and node as a service operators.

Interested in walletOS? You can request access to the product here and we’ll reach out shortly.

Interested in Pine Street Labs?

Stay up to date by visiting our website and requesting access to the product. Additionally, you can get in touch with us here: